Sunday, September 13, 2009

Oh my grits, I have a BLOG!!

For sometime now I have had a secret desire to create my own blog. I thought the purpose of the blog would be to show my sewing and paper art creations and maybe even generate a few sales. There is an absolutely fabulous magazine by Stampington & Co. called "Artful Blogging" that fueled my interest and hope in developing such a blog for myself.
I admit openly and without shame that it is harder for me to understand the ins and outs of the cyber world than it was to learn and speak Dutch. So I took advantage of my darling 12 year old granddaughter, Carlie, who had an extended visit after her family went back to Montana, to learn the ropes of blogging.
Mission accomplished! Thanks Carlie for all your help and patience and incredible ability to not laugh your head off while teaching me to set up my blog. I guess you won't be surprised to learn that I accidentally deleted my first entry today. *sigh* Oh well, this is definately a "learn as you go" endeavor.
Now that my blog "Wishes that Sparkle" is a reality, I'm wondering how to combine my arty stuff with my "deep thoughts"? Maybe it doesn't matter. I'll just jump in and see what happens!

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